Research Interest

My research addresses problems regarding how and why occupants of residences and communities behave as they do. The theoretical basis of my work relied on how innovations diffuse or are communicated with respect to energy consumption, efficiency, conservation, etc. This evolved into co-developing my own research framework as a result of my Early-Career Research Seed Award that resulted in, Decision-Ade™, a segmentation strategy protected by UF’s Office of Technology Licensing (OTL). Subsequently, I have used Decision-Ade™ as the basis for academic journal articles related to residential irrigation conservation, storm preparation, and leadership. My Global Fellows Award enabled me to conduct international research in Niger on housing and community development after having been away from Niger for more than two decades since serving there in the Peace Corps. I currently am researching how the younger generation can better engage the aging generation to assist their families as parents attempt to help the aging generation age in place in the comfort and security of the family home rather than in an assisted living environment.

About Dr. Cantrell: This link connects to the About link (above). The Recent Publications Link (below) also is listed in the Projects Link.

Recent Publications